Authors’ Rights Management for Stage and Audiovisual Works
"A livre ouvert", written and directed by Véronique Reymond and Stéphanie Chuat, prod. Point Prod/RTS
"Délit de cuivre", written by Nicolas Haut, music by Antoine Auberson, Frank Urfer, Jean-Pierre Hartmann, Jean-Claude Bloch. Photo: C. Hangartner
"The Wonder Way", written and directed by Emmanuelle Antille. Prod. Intermezzo Films/Rubis Films/RTS. Photo: Intermezzo Films
"Préparation pour un miracle - Catastrophes et magies", conception, stage direction and performance by Marc Oostererhoff, music Maxime Steiner, artistic collaboration Latifeh Hadji. Prod. Cie Moost. Photo: Yuri Pires Tavares
"Armat", written and directed by Elodie Dermange. Prod. Nadasdy Film/RTS. Image: Nadasdy Film