Audiovisual producers

SSA manages the broadcasting rights and related communication to the public rights, as well as the reproduction and making available rights (in such a way that everyone can access them from the place and at the time they individually choose) on behalf of its members: any contract between a member and a producer needs to contain a rights reservation clause to this end. We therefore recommend that you use the model contracts that SSA has provided for this purpose. These contract templates govern the necessary production rights to which SSA is a co-signatory. The rights reservation clause guarantees that  the statutory rights and duties of the authors vis-à-vis SSA are respected and a correct distribution system is applied.

If a producer lets a third party exploit the works in question, the rights reservation clause needs to be transferred to the relevant contract.

Contracts with broadcasters and video-on-demand platforms in certain countries (cf. model contracts) need to contain provisions stipulating that:

  • the author of the work is a member of a collective management organisation;
  • the collective management organisation shall take care of the perception of broadcasting and making available rights (in such a way that everyone can access them from the place and at the time they individually choose);
  • the remuneration for the authors is not included in the sales price of the work charged by the producer or its sub-licensees, who must also remind any co-contracting entity of the requirement to conclude a contract and pay remuneration to the collective management organisation.

Provisions to this end shall also be included in contracts with co-producers.

Furthermore, a licence issued by SSA shall be required in the case of reproductions (DVD, Blu-ray).