Work registration
SSA now accepts workIntellectual property creation in literature and art (as well as computer programmes) exhibiting an individual and therefore unique character. Said individual character is the prerequisite that a work can be protected. registrations in electronic form (scanned). You can send us your workIntellectual property creation in literature and art (as well as computer programmes) exhibiting an individual and therefore unique character. Said individual character is the prerequisite that a work can be protected. registrations signed by hand and scanned in as an alternative to sending the forms by post. The registrations must always be signed on a joint form by all co-authors, who determine the distribution keyAgreement defining the manner in which the rights are distributed among the rights owners in cases where there is more than one rights owner for the remuneration.
Make sure your software to view and print PDF files is up to date. Moreover, we recommend you download the form before starting to fill it out.
Registration form for audiovisual works
“How to” guide – rights split for audiovisual works
Registration form for stage works
Illustrated manual – registration of stage works
Registration form for works created for the radio
Registration form valid only for the DIRECTION of the audiovisual recording of a stage work