Authors’ Rights Management for Stage and Audiovisual Works

"Rien que la vérité", prestidigitation show by Lionel, French translation by Carlos Henriquez. First performance in September 2023 at the Teatro Comico Sion. Prod. Lionel AG. Photo: Remo Fröhlich

"L’oeil nu", choreography by Maud Blandel, original music by Denis Rollet and Flavio Virzi. First performance April 2023 at l'Arsenic, Lausanne, by Cie ILKA. Photo: Margaux Vendassi et Camille D. Tonnerre

"Inactuels" by Oscar Gómez Mata – Compagnie L’Alakran, Grütli – Centre de production et de diffusion des Arts vivants, October 2023. Sound creation: Fernando de Miguel and Sandra Cuesta. Photo: Rebecca Browning

"A forgotten man", written and directed by Laurent Nègre after the play "Der Gesandte" by Thomas Hürlimann. Prod. Bord cadre films. Photo: Bord Cadre Films

"Les Indociles", TV series written by Joanne Giger, Aurélie Champagne, Olivier Volpi, Delphine Lehericey and Camille Rebetez after the graphic novel by Pitch Comment and Camille Rebetez, directed by Delphine Lehericey. Prod. Box Productions and RTS, coprod. Entre Chien et Loup. Photo: Box Productions - RTS - Entre Chien et Loup