
SSA Annual report 2016

More rights distributed thanks to lower commission rate – the year 2016 at SSA at a glance: Collections reached a record level of CHF 22,942,707.00 which corresponds to an increase of 0.92% compared to the previous year. This is a result of the increase in remuneration arising from mandatory… Read More

2016 at SSA – at a glance

More rights distributed thanks to lower commission rate – the year 2016 at SSA at a glance: Collections reached a record level of CHF 22,942,707.00 which corresponds to an increase of 0.92% compared to the previous year. This is a result of the increase in remuneration arising from mandatory collective… Read More

Stage event organisers: all via e-mail

SSA does now accept receiving your authorisation applications and declarations of receipts via e-mail Stage event organisers may now submit authorisation applications and income declarations to SSA via e-mail. It is not necessary to sign and scan the forms. Completing them duly, using their latest version, will be sufficient:… Read More

Ten Principles for Fair Contracts for Authors

Thanks to its members, FIA has now arrived at Ten Principles for Fair Contracts. A work in progress for the past year, this document reflects – in ten points – what IAF’s membership feels most strongly should and should not be contained in the contracts in… Read More

Audiovisual Authors’ Remuneration

What are the professional lives of screenwriters and directors like? How do they make a living and what are the challenges they face? This video presents the current situation of European screenwriters and directors and suggests European solutions. Infographic… Read More

SSA Annual report 2015

Collections reached a record level, efficiency in management, a Copyright Act revision that must be put back on track At 6.57%, collections reached a record level of CHF 22,734,527.-. Even with a very slight increase of CHF 39,363 (+1.17%) which was mainly due to the rise in costs for governmental… Read More

Mandatory collective rights management for dramatic works

Authors and owners of dramatic, dramatico-musical and choreographic works, get in touch with SSA! Whether you are a member of SSA or not affiliated with an authors’ society or not, a resident of Switzerland or abroad: the Swiss Federal Act on Copyright and Related Rights (CopA) stipulates a mandatory remuneration… Read More

Pro Helvetia: Encouragement de la diffusion

Pro Helvetia introduit deux nouveaux instruments pour renforcer la position des compagnies indépendantes de danse et de théâtre sur le marché international: Encouragement de la diffusion lors de tournées européennes Subside de déplacement pour les chargés de diffusion Informations sous… Read More

Cultural and creative industries fuel the economy

With revenues of US$ 2,250 billion, Cultural and Creative Industries account for 3% of world GDP and employ 29.5 million people (1% of the world’s active population). CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers, publishes a new study prepared by EY titled «Cultural Times – First… Read More