
SSA website – now also available in English!

On tour abroad? Involved in audiovisual co-productions between several countries? An English version of the SSA website is now online! In our era of globalisation, we would like to make our SSA-related information available to an even bigger audience. In addition to the three official national languages, we… Read More

Spectacle commémoratif: pensez à vos droits d’auteur!

Ce qui ne devrait pas arriver aux auteurs… Au sujet des spectacles commémoratifs, nous constatons que les primes de commande comprennent souvent les droits d’auteur, ce qui est n’est évidemment pas correct. De plus, ces honoraires sont très souvent inférieurs à ce que la SSA percevrait sur la base… Read More

14.7% of European admissions went to animation films in 2014

300 children’s channels established in the EU and specific on-demand services for kids on the rise. These and other interesting pieces of information have been presented by the European Audiovisual Observatory as first results of the Mapping of the Animation Industry in Europe study, funded by Creative Europe, during the… Read More

Copyright: France and Germany make joint statement

CISAC welcomes France and Germany’s commitment to cooperation on authors’ rights/copyright. A joint statement on authors’ rights/copyright, adopted by Germany’s Federal Minister for Justice and Consumer Protection Heiko Maas and France’s Minister for Culture and Communication Fleur Pellerin signals the elevation of creators’ rights to the top of Europe’s policy agenda and recognition… Read More

Addressing the compensation flaw for authors

The Council of States referred Peter Bieri’s postulate “Revision of the Federal Copyright Law (URG). Introduction of a lending right” on 19 March, representing an important step in ensuring fair compensation for authors. The small chamber is mirroring the Federal Council, which recommended in February that the postulate be adopted. Read More